All white shift dress for everyday or fancy dinner. Abstract lace detail reminiscent of a coral reef. A simple design that conveys confidence, elegance, and regality.
OPULENTIAE DRESS // november 2015
An asymmetrical and sculptural dress inspired by Chinese qipao and western tailoring. A touch of gold foil, each individually applied by hand, to bring good luck at Anna Hu’s 8th Anniversary of the establishment of her brand – The Butterfly Collection Gala.
Here’s to the hope of another 80 years!
Ode Gown // july 2015
Design concept for ANNA’s dress: This is my first opportunity to design a bespoke dress for Anna and I want to fully express her elegance and style as a jewelry designer while emphasizing on her, headstrong, ambitious, and resilient personality. I’ve combined the dramatic and imposing look of Queen Elizabeth I and Dior’s feminine New Look in the ’50s to create a distinctive armor for a woman unique like Anna.
ANNA 洋裝的設計理念:這是我第一次有機會為了Anna製作這套量身高級訂製洋裝。我想要充分表達Anna 她擔任高級珠寶設計師的氣質跟她有主見又不服輸的個性而設計的,融合了英國伊莉莎白大帝的氣勢以及Dior在五零年代時創造出很有女人味的New Look。我希望可以透過服裝設計反映我對中世紀藝術史和建築史、神話學的熱愛以及紐約人任性倔強的態度來述說一個有主見、有自信、精明幹練、有雄心壯志,無論做什麼都全力以赴的女人的故事。